The horizontal resolution of the currently active display.
The vertical resolution of the currently active display.
_LV_DPX_CALC(dpi, n)
Same as Android's DIP. (Different name is chosen to avoid mistype between LV_DPI and LV_DIP) 1 dip is 1 px on a 160 DPI screen 1 dip is 2 px on a 320 DPI screen
typedef struct _lv_display_t lv_display_t
enum lv_display_rotation_t
enumerator LV_DISPLAY_ROTATION_180
enumerator LV_DISPLAY_ROTATION_270
enum lv_display_render_mode_t
Use the buffer(s) to render the screen is smaller parts. This way the buffers can be smaller then the display to save RAM. At least 1/10 screen size buffer(s) are recommended.
The buffer(s) has to be screen sized and LVGL will render into the correct location of the buffer. This way the buffer always contain the whole image. Only the changed ares will be updated. With 2 buffers the buffers' content are kept in sync automatically and in flush_cb only address change is required.
Always redraw the whole screen even if only one pixel has been changed. With 2 buffers in flush_cb only and address change is required.
enum lv_screen_load_anim_t
lv_display_t *lv_display_create(lv_coord_t hor_res, lv_coord_t ver_res)
Create a new display with the given resolution
- Parameters:
hor_res -- horizontal resolution in pixels
ver_res -- vertical resolution in pixels
- Returns:
pointer to a display object or
on error
void lv_display_remove(lv_display_t *disp)
Remove a display
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to display
void lv_display_set_default(lv_display_t *disp)
Set a default display. The new screens will be created on it by default.
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display
lv_display_t *lv_display_get_default(void)
Get the default display
- Returns:
pointer to the default display
lv_display_t *lv_display_get_next(lv_display_t *disp)
Get the next display.
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to the current display. NULL to initialize.
- Returns:
the next display or NULL if no more. Gives the first display when the parameter is NULL.
void lv_display_set_resolution(lv_display_t *disp, lv_coord_t hor_res, lv_coord_t ver_res)
Sets the resolution of a display.
event will be sent. Here the native resolution of the device should be set. If the display will be rotated later withlv_display_set_rotation
LVGL will swap the hor. and ver. resolution automatically.- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display
hor_res -- the new horizontal resolution
ver_res -- the new vertical resolution
void lv_display_set_physical_resolution(lv_display_t *disp, lv_coord_t hor_res, lv_coord_t ver_res)
It's not mandatory to use the whole display for LVGL, however in some cases physical resolution is important. For example the touchpad still sees whole resolution and the values needs to be converted to the active LVGL display area.
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display
hor_res -- the new physical horizontal resolution, or -1 to assume it's the same as the normal hor. res.
ver_res -- the new physical vertical resolution, or -1 to assume it's the same as the normal hor. res.
void lv_display_set_offset(lv_display_t *disp, lv_coord_t x, lv_coord_t y)
If physical resolution is not the same as the normal resolution the offset of the active display area can be set here.
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display
x -- X offset
y -- Y offset
void lv_display_set_rotation(lv_display_t *disp, lv_display_rotation_t rotation, bool sw_rotate)
Set the rotation of this display. LVGL will swap the horizontal and vertical resolutions internally.
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display (NULL to use the default display)
rotation --
sw_rotate -- true: make LVGL rotate the rendered image; false: the display driver should rotate the rendered image
void lv_display_set_dpi(lv_display_t *disp, lv_coord_t dpi)
Set the DPI (dot per inch) of the display. dpi = sqrt(hor_res^2 + ver_res^2) / diagonal"
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display
dpi -- the new DPI
lv_coord_t lv_display_get_horizontal_resolution(const lv_display_t *disp)
Get the horizontal resolution of a display.
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display (NULL to use the default display)
- Returns:
the horizontal resolution of the display.
lv_coord_t lv_display_get_vertical_resolution(const lv_display_t *disp)
Get the vertical resolution of a display
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display (NULL to use the default display)
- Returns:
the vertical resolution of the display
lv_coord_t lv_display_get_physical_horizontal_resolution(const lv_display_t *disp)
Get the physical horizontal resolution of a display
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display (NULL to use the default display)
- Returns:
the physical horizontal resolution of the display
lv_coord_t lv_display_get_physical_vertical_resolution(const lv_display_t *disp)
Get the physical vertical resolution of a display
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display (NULL to use the default display)
- Returns:
the physical vertical resolution of the display
lv_coord_t lv_display_get_offset_x(const lv_display_t *disp)
Get the horizontal offset from the full / physical display
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display (NULL to use the default display)
- Returns:
the horizontal offset from the physical display
lv_coord_t lv_display_get_offset_y(const lv_display_t *disp)
Get the vertical offset from the full / physical display
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display (NULL to use the default display)
- Returns:
the horizontal offset from the physical display
lv_display_rotation_t lv_display_get_rotation(lv_display_t *disp)
Get the current rotation of this display.
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display (NULL to use the default display)
- Returns:
the current rotation
lv_coord_t lv_display_get_dpi(const lv_display_t *disp)
Get the DPI of the display
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display (NULL to use the default display)
- Returns:
dpi of the display
void lv_display_set_draw_buffers(lv_display_t *disp, void *buf1, void *buf2, uint32_t buf_size_in_bytes, lv_display_render_mode_t render_mode)
Set the buffers for a display
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display
buf1 -- first buffer
buf2 -- second buffer (can be
void lv_display_set_flush_cb(lv_display_t *disp, lv_display_flush_cb_t flush_cb)
Set the flush callback which will be called to copy the rendered image to the display.
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display
flush_cb -- the flush callback (
contains the rendered image as raw pixel map and it should be copied toarea
on the display)
void lv_display_set_color_format(lv_display_t *disp, lv_color_format_t color_format)
Set the color format of the display. If set to other than
the layer'sbuffer_convert
function will be used to convert the rendered content to the desired color format.- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display
color_format -- By default
to render with L8, RGB565, RGB888 or ARGB8888.LV_COLOR_FORMAT_NATIVE_REVERSE
to change endianness.
lv_color_format_t lv_display_get_color_format(lv_display_t *disp)
Get the color format of the display
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display
- Returns:
the color format
void lv_display_set_antialiasing(lv_display_t *disp, bool en)
Enable anti-aliasing for the render engine
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display
en -- true/false
bool lv_display_get_antialiasing(lv_display_t *disp)
Get if anti-aliasing is enabled for a display or not
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display (NULL to use the default display)
- Returns:
bool lv_display_is_double_buffered(lv_display_t *disp)
struct _lv_obj_t *lv_display_get_screen_act(lv_display_t *disp)
Return a pointer to the active screen on a display
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to display which active screen should be get. (NULL to use the default screen)
- Returns:
pointer to the active screen object (loaded by 'lv_screen_load()')
struct _lv_obj_t *lv_display_get_screen_prev(lv_display_t *disp)
Return with a pointer to the previous screen. Only used during screen transitions.
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to display which previous screen should be get. (NULL to use the default screen)
- Returns:
pointer to the previous screen object or NULL if not used now
void lv_display_load_scr(struct _lv_obj_t *scr)
Make a screen active
- Parameters:
scr -- pointer to a screen
struct _lv_obj_t *lv_display_get_layer_top(lv_display_t *disp)
Return the top layer. The top layer is the same on all screens and it is above the normal screen layer.
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to display which top layer should be get. (NULL to use the default screen)
- Returns:
pointer to the top layer object
struct _lv_obj_t *lv_display_get_layer_sys(lv_display_t *disp)
Return the sys. layer. The system layer is the same on all screen and it is above the normal screen and the top layer.
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to display which sys. layer should be retrieved. (NULL to use the default screen)
- Returns:
pointer to the sys layer object
struct _lv_obj_t *lv_display_get_layer_bottom(lv_display_t *disp)
Return the bottom layer. The bottom layer is the same on all screen and it is under the normal screen layer. It's visible only if the the screen is transparent.
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to display (NULL to use the default screen)
- Returns:
pointer to the bottom layer object
void lv_screen_load_anim(struct _lv_obj_t *scr, lv_screen_load_anim_t anim_type, uint32_t time, uint32_t delay, bool auto_del)
Switch screen with animation
- Parameters:
scr -- pointer to the new screen to load
anim_type -- type of the animation from
time -- time of the animation
delay -- delay before the transition
auto_del -- true: automatically delete the old screen
static inline struct _lv_obj_t *lv_screen_active(void)
Get the active screen of the default display
- Returns:
pointer to the active screen
static inline struct _lv_obj_t *lv_layer_top(void)
Get the top layer of the default display
- Returns:
pointer to the top layer
static inline struct _lv_obj_t *lv_layer_sys(void)
Get the system layer of the default display
- Returns:
pointer to the sys layer
static inline struct _lv_obj_t *lv_layer_bottom(void)
Get the bottom layer of the default display
- Returns:
pointer to the bottom layer
static inline void lv_screen_load(struct _lv_obj_t *scr)
Load a screen on the default display
- Parameters:
scr -- pointer to a screen
void lv_display_add_event(lv_display_t *disp, lv_event_cb_t event_cb, lv_event_code_t filter, void *user_data)
Add an event handler to the display
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display
event_cb -- an event callback
filter -- event code to react or
user_data -- optional user_data
uint32_t lv_display_get_event_count(lv_display_t *disp)
lv_event_dsc_t *lv_display_get_event_dsc(lv_display_t *disp, uint32_t index)
bool lv_display_remove_event(lv_display_t *disp, uint32_t index)
lv_result_t lv_display_send_event(lv_display_t *disp, lv_event_code_t code, void *param)
Send amn event to a display
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display
code -- an event code. LV_EVENT_...
param -- optional param
- Returns:
LV_RESULT_OK: disp wasn't deleted in the event.
void lv_display_set_theme(lv_display_t *disp, struct _lv_theme_t *th)
Set the theme of a display. If there are no user created widgets yet the screens' theme will be updated
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display
th -- pointer to a theme
struct _lv_theme_t *lv_display_get_theme(lv_display_t *disp)
Get the theme of a display
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display
- Returns:
the display's theme (can be NULL)
uint32_t lv_display_get_inactive_time(const lv_display_t *disp)
Get elapsed time since last user activity on a display (e.g. click)
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display (NULL to get the overall smallest inactivity)
- Returns:
elapsed ticks (milliseconds) since the last activity
void lv_display_trig_activity(lv_display_t *disp)
Manually trigger an activity on a display
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display (NULL to use the default display)
void lv_display_enable_invalidation(lv_display_t *disp, bool en)
Temporarily enable and disable the invalidation of the display.
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display (NULL to use the default display)
en -- true: enable invalidation; false: invalidation
bool lv_display_is_invalidation_enabled(lv_display_t *disp)
Get display invalidation is enabled.
- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display (NULL to use the default display)
- Returns:
return true if invalidation is enabled
lv_timer_t *_lv_display_get_refr_timer(lv_display_t *disp)
Get a pointer to the screen refresher timer to modify its parameters with
functions.- Parameters:
disp -- pointer to a display
- Returns:
pointer to the display refresher timer. (NULL on error)
void lv_display_set_user_data(lv_display_t *disp, void *user_data)
void lv_display_set_driver_data(lv_display_t *disp, void *driver_data)
void *lv_display_get_user_data(lv_display_t *disp)
void *lv_display_get_driver_data(lv_display_t *disp)
static inline lv_coord_t lv_dpx(lv_coord_t n)
Scale the given number of pixels (a distance or size) relative to a 160 DPI display considering the DPI of the default display. It ensures that e.g.
will have the same physical size regardless to the DPI of the display.- Parameters:
n -- the number of pixels to scale
- Returns:
n x current_dpi/160
static inline lv_coord_t lv_display_dpx(const lv_display_t *disp, lv_coord_t n)
Scale the given number of pixels (a distance or size) relative to a 160 DPI display considering the DPI of the given display. It ensures that e.g.
will have the same physical size regardless to the DPI of the display.- Parameters:
disp -- a display whose dpi should be considered
n -- the number of pixels to scale
- Returns:
n x current_dpi/160